Antsy Ant designs custom animated GIF files that are electronic stickers. These animated files (stickers) can be uploaded to GIPHY, which allows the stickers to be searched by the public via Instagram Stories, Snapchat, Twitter’s GIF button, Facebook Messenger and other various platforms. The stickers are tagged or labeled allowing the public to use the stickers on their social media story image.
Why would your business need stickers?
Having custom animated stickers designed for your business logo or event will get you maximum exposure, especially via the popular social media platforms Instagram and Snapchat. In addition to your logo, you can have other relevant brand or image stickers created and animated with local hot spots or popular trends.
How Does The Process Work?
How will your customers use the stickers?
On-Site Promotion
Run a promotion on-site using a custom sticker and have customers show staff their story with the sticker published or have them mention your business in their story to get a discount.
Location & Fun
Fun relevant image stickers and/or location stickers for special natural attractions or scenic hot spots can be created along with your animated logo. The stickers will be tagged so when the location or activity is searched for in GIF, your stickers will come up.

Businesses that can benefit from stickers...
Stickers work for any business that people would be taking pictures at to post on social media.